viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Segregation 2.0 in United States

We know about Martin Luther King Jr. and what he did "fighting" for the civil rights of afroamerican people and the things that we talked about the powerful anti-segregation movie “Selma”. But many experts feel specifically in segregation, that aimed to solve has only worsened.

According to the Civil Rights Project of Harvard University, the annulment of segregation in the United States had its peak in 1980's, but since then, there places more segregated, one reason may be because exist changes in the common residence places of the African American people, the continued growth in suburbs and the new communities around the country, but it is also said that even now  has more to do with social and economic differences in states than with the racial discrimination like in the past.

In the main points of Understanding dominant-minority relations in the united states today (Part 3 - Charper 5) it said: 

"at the beginning of the 20th century, the racial oppression of african americans took the form of a rigid competitive system of group relations and de jure(*) segregation. *segregation that is imposed by law
"Compared with their situation at the start of the 20th century, Today, African Americans have made considerable improvements in quality of life. But the distance to true racial equality remains enormous"

Also, in one of its opinion column said :

"Segregation in the 21st century is not just about being legally and physically separated, but about a cultural separation that still feels like it divides more than it binds"

Now, with unintentionally misinterpret about what we learned and discussed in class, I propose the following idea. After everything that happened in the history of civil rights, slavery, the inequality that afroamerican people had in the past and new features that caused this "new" segregation. Who really is being segregated? Is still exist "whites only" signs that cause this? White people can also be segregated by african americans? self-segregation exists?  

Now you, dear classmates, students of the XXI century, who know the events occurring around this theme... I know, are a lot of questions, but What can you said about this?

I will be happy to answer any questions or comments.

1 comentario:

  1. Nowadays we can say that segregation was the bullying of those times and still happens in different countries, now is more than the color of your skin is also the economic situation, the sexual orientation and a lot of things that make the people exclude the other that has this "defect".
    Was an interesting entry dear Macarena you made us think about this theme.
